I have no good excuse for not recently blogging except that I feel I have been waiting for some 'big stuff' to happen in my life before I blogged again. It wasn't until late last week, as I received inquires for an updated post, that I begun to realized how much has really happened. So here, in my best effort, I will try to update and share a little of what has been going on in my heart and life.
My Internship at Salem Alliance Church was kicked off 2 days after I got back home from
school. This is the second year that I have done an internship for the summer and it is rockin! Super fun and a lot of good opportunities mixed with personal
So that's where I am working this summer in Salem, Oregon, and through my job, and
for no deserving reason, God has been blessing me like crazy-- So here's some more of what my summer has been like so far:
- In the later part of June (June 21-29) I had the opportunity to go down to Lake Shasta, California with a group of 70 High School students. I was doing the music and video for the
retreat, but I had plenty of time for wakeboarding, tubbing, water balloon fights, and AMAZING conversations and relational growth. This trip is called "RED" and I will post the movie that I created for it on my personal website Tuesday, 7/22. It's about 16 minutes long and captures the heart of what "RED" is about. Check it out!
- After arriving in Salem, I took my car into a repair shop to have some damaged assessed. The Damage was from some hail storms that happened when I was at school at ORU in Tulsa, Oklahoma. After several weeks I was notified that my car was 'totaled' as it would cost more than the car is worth to fix all the little dents. Because of this I was able to get 'financial gift' and still keep my car because it runs perfect and the damage isn't noticeable unless you are at the right angle. With the money I got though the ordeal I was able to buy a brand new, very nice, Digital SLR camera and laptop (which I have been wanted to do for a long time). All the pictures on here, I took with this camera.
- I have taken several trips the Pacific City Beach, the most recent trip being July 10 where

the High School group at Salem Alliance Church (SAC) went. I took my surf board, 2 skim boards, and had a blast teaching and laughing with the Students as our hands and limbs became completely frozen in the unusually cold pacific ocean.
- As of today, I just returned from a Middle School Northwest District Conference called "Youth Quake" where I did music and Video and pictures for. It was amazing with around 200+ middle school kids from Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. We had an amazing band, amazing weather, and unforgettable memories. I saw a CRAZY passion in the students for a life sold out to Christ-- that was amazing! Also, the movie that I made for Youth Quake will be on my personal website also. It's 23 minutes long and took me last night to make when I edited it from 10:30 pm last night to 10:30 am this morning. Check it out
- For the last big news-- Yesterday I received a call from a man named Jeremy West who is going to be heading up and leading the DTS program on the YWAM Montana base. After talking to him for a little while and him asking me some questions, he formally accepted my admittance into the DTS program in Montana; so I will be officially going to Montana in the Fall!
So that's where I'm at. God has been blessing me and blessing me like crazy and I can't explain it, but I do hope that this will serve two-fold-- 1.) That you would be reconnected to what's going on in my life currently. 2.) That the grace and blessing that God has given me, would cover over you-- That you would walk in Joy everyday, knowing that you have a purpose, you can make a difference, and that you can right now.
Thanks so much for reading this! I would love to connect with anyone and hear about what's going on in your life so please feel free to e-mail me at:
Thanks so much!